Alamo Creek
  • chevron_rightHow do I report a street light out?
    Contact Contra Costa County Public Works at 925.313.2286. Leave a message with the pole number and nearest street address.
  • chevron_rightMy tenant is responsible for a violation on the property. I’m just the owner and can’t control how my tenant lives. Can I be held liable?
    The Association's CC&Rs bind every property owner to follow the restrictions contained therein. The property owner will be held responsible for any violations that exist on their property. All correspondence is directed to the property owner as well as known tenants. All fines or penalties are levied against the property. Tenant generated violations are difficult because the property owner often does not have immediate access to correct the problem. It is therefore strongly advised that a landlord closely and regularly monitor their properties for changes and violations.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the construction working hours in a residential neighborhood?
    In general, there are no restrictions for construction working hours within Contra Costa County. Occasionally, as a conditional of approval, the County Planning Division may restrict days and times of construction to a permit approval. The Planning Division 925-655-2705 retains the information about specific sites.
  • chevron_rightWhat is the after hours emergency number?
  • chevron_rightWhat should I do if I receive a “Courtesy Letter” or a “Violation Notice”?
    Many of the Courtesy Notices that are sent out are meant as reminders of items that may be a violation of the Governing Documents. If the matter can be quickly and easily resolved, we recommend correcting the item noted. If you have questions or need additional time to correct the issue, you can contact the management office to discuss the possible violation. The Association is looking for voluntary compliance and is typically willing to work with you to resolve the issue.
  • chevron_rightWhere do I report inoperable or abandoned vehicles on public streets within Alamo Creek?
    Abandoned vehicles can be reported to the Sheriffs Department using the following online form:
  • chevron_rightHow much are my dues and where do I mail them?
    Dues will remain $130.00 per homeowner per month through 2025.
    Payments are due on the first day of each month and are late if they are not received within 15 days of the due date. Late payments will be charged a $10 late fee.

    Checks must be made payable to Alamo Creek Owners Association and mailed to:
    Alamo Creek Owners Association
    c/o HAS Processing Center
    PO Box 95096
    Las Vegas, NV 89193-5096

    Please remember to include your account number on your check for proper posting.
  • chevron_rightWhat do my dues cover?
    A full list of what your dues cover can be found in the Budget, but here's a quick breakdown:
        Common area landscaping & irrigation
        Swim Center and Clubhouse facilities
        Insurance on the common areas
        Administrative expenses (management, tax prep, mailings, legal fees, etc.)
        Reserves (to pay for long term repairs to pools/clubhouse/landscaping, etc.)
  • chevron_rightCan I pay using a credit card?
    Homeowners can now use an online portal through HOA Services to set up an online account and make payments using a major credit card or e-check (ACH). Click the link under Owners > Access Your Account to visit the portal where you can log in, view your account, update your mailing preferences and make your HOA payments.
  • chevron_rightWhere is the management office located?
    Our management company, Homeowner Association Services, is conveniently located in San Ramon just off of Crow Canyon Road near the City offices. Their address is:

    2266 Camino Ramon
    San Ramon, CA 94583
  • chevron_rightHow do I become a board member?
    Thank you for your interest in serving our community by joining the Board. The Board holds elections at the Annual Meeting in October of each year. A Statement of Candidacy will be sent to all owners (and will be posted online) in July. If you are interested in running, we encourage your to fill out the form and return it to our property manager.
    Board Application

    If you have any questions prior to that time, please contact us.